The cost of refinancing your home loan

Consider the expenses involved in refinancing If you’re debating whether to refinance your home loan, you need to think about whether the benefits of switching home loans will outweigh the costs involved. There are a number of expenses to consider, including charges and fees from your current lender (and from your new lender if you’re … Read more

Retirement income

Retirement means different things to everyone. It may be a definite point in time when you stop work, and begin a new phase of life. Or it may be a gradual process where you vary working hours as your priorities shift. You might decide to leave employment and return to part-time work later. How much … Read more

CGT when selling your rental property

How capital gains or losses apply When you sell or dispose of a rental property you may make a capital gain or loss. A capital gain or loss is the difference between what it cost you to obtain and improve the property (the cost base) and the amount you receive when you dispose of it. … Read more

The lowdown on negative gearing

Recently, negative gearing has been making waves in the news and with rental affordability becoming a serious issue in Australia, various political parties have weighed in.  While some argue that it’s a vital tool for encouraging investment in housing and fixing the housing crisis, others believe it fuels property price increases, contributing to housing affordability … Read more

Harnessing your professional brand in a world of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is becoming more prevalent in our society and although there are many early adopters of AI, there is still a very high percentage of people who have reservations about how this type of technology can or could enhance our lives, not only in the workplace but in our everyday lives as … Read more